About us
The Green Providers Directory was founded in 2005 by Dr Gary Robertshaw. We provide a one-stop shop for all things green, eco-friendly and sustainable. All under one roof.
Suppliers are listed in easy-to-use sections, with a brief description of what they provide. The directory is free to use. You do not have to register with us.
The directory has links to a range of eco friendly goods and services:
- Renewable energy suppliers
- Fair trade clothing
- Organic health and beauty products
- Energy saving devices
- Ethical gifts
- Organic wines and much more…..
We also provide news and updates on environmental issues and related topics.
A comprehensive green directory for sustainable living
We provide a comprehensive list of green, eco-friendly, fair trade and ethical suppliers of everyday goods and services. Plus links to a number of major environmental organisations along with schools and universities. We write articles and useful information on green issues and sustainable living.
The premise of the directory is consumer power. If large numbers of people can be better informed and convinced of the ecological dangers we face, then demand for eco friendly products and services will increase. In addition, traditional companies will be encouraged to adopt policies that reduce harm to the environment.

We’re also heavily involved in promoting the ethos of sustainable living. Including helping to protect the world’s rainforests and endangered species. For example, our articles are featured on many different green blogs and publications. We provide support for new launches and help to promote sustainability causes.
We are involved in campaigning on a range of green issues. We actively encourage more people to shop from sustainable sources. This generates more new customers for eco-friendly companies, not-for-profit concerns and charities.
How to contact us
If you have any questions or comments about this website, please e-mail us at contact@green-providers.co.uk